Unit 2 - Basic Text Formatting

Now that you know what a tag is, now you need to learn the different tags and what they do.

Here are commonly used tags on text formatting and what they look like:

Name Coding Result
Bold <b>Words</b> Words
Italic <i>Words</i> Words
Underlined <u>Words</u> Words
Strike through <s>Words</s> Words
Superscript <sup>Words</sup> Words

Don't worry, I didn't forgot about font color! You'll learn about that in Unit 3.

For people who want a heading to stand out, the heading tag is used. The heading tag also has a number that follows it that tells the website how big the heading should be.

Name Coding Result
Heading 1 <h1>Words</h1>


Heading 2 <h2>Words</h2>


Heading 3 <h3>Words</h3>


Heading 4 <h4>Words</h4>


Heading 5 <h5>Words</h5>
Heading 6 <h6>Words</h6>

If you want to have linked text, you use the <a> tag. You can link another tag such as a DIV, an image, etc as long as you put the other tag between the <a> tag.

1. <a href="link address">

Although there are more, the two most common ways to have a link opened by the browser is by opening the link in the current tab or in a new tab with a target attribute.
*Note that opening a link in the current tab is the default and its target attribute can be left out.

Name Coding Result
Current tab <a href="welcome.html" target="_self">Click Me</a> Click Me
New tab <a href="welcome.html" target="_blank">Click Me</a> Click Me

Some other useful tags are <p> which will start text on a new line, <hr> which adds a horizonal line (does not need an end tag), <br> which adds a line break between two elements or text (does not need an end tag), and <pre> which keeps text's existing format. For example, any line breaks put in the raw coding will be kept with that tag.

Here are some uncommonly used formatting tags:

Name Coding Result
Strong <strong>Words</strong> Words
Emphaized <em>Words</em> Words
Marked <mark>Words</mark> Words
Small <small>Words</small> Words
Deleted <del>Words</del> Words
Inserted <ins>Words</ins> Words
Subscript <sub>Words</sub> Words

If you want a full list of the different ways to format text, go to W3Schools. I have only included formats that you will use often.